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Suttera's Mating Disruption - Hassle-Free!

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When two leaders join forces - You win! 

Suterra and Phytech have teamed up to bring you the most cost-effective and advanced mating disruption solution. Integrating the world’s leading Puffer® aerosol pheromone with granular climate monitoring on Phytech's digital farming platform. 


The most-cost effective mating disruption solution:

  • Maximum mating disruption at all times

  • Per block granular climate monitoring

  • Hands-off / Labor-free installation

  • Made in the US Pheromone 

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Per block Granular climate monitoring 

  • In-canopy temperature sensing

  • In-canopy humidity sensing

  • Chill portions map


Suterra Announces Partnership with Phytech

“We have seen the adoption of Phytech’s farming platform with its unique in-field monitor and control capabilities by leading growers all across our key markets", says Carlos Bassa, Senior Director and Head of North America at Suterra.


Read the Offical Press Release. Click Here

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