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Australia and Israel - cultivating a friendship

Phytech were pleased to participate in the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce business lunch with the President of Israel, Reuven “Ruvi” Rivlin, in Sydney today.

Australia was the first country to vote in favour of the 1947 UN partition resolution, which ultimately led to the creation of Israel as a nation state. Today, Israel technology companies like Phytech are investing in the Australian nation, bringing solutions that contribute to the bottom line of many Australian businesses and help them remain competitive.

The trade balance between the countries may seem small but it delivers exponential value. Water is a finite resource in Australian horticulture and through the use of Phytech, Australia’s growers are already saving tens of billions of litres, whilst also increasing yields. The water saved will be used to grow additional crops that will contribute more than $100m to Australia’s economy this season.

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